
my p r e c i o u s

4 years are not just a moment
there were tears...laughs...madness...
and we'have been through these years together
with no regret...no hurt feelings
cause we know...that we'll keep holding on...

the time passed by
but our heart still the same
...love...care...and affection...

these are not just a simple moment
these are our first step to the future
when we fall down,
i hope we can remember...
the odds we've been through
hand in hand

and i know
that these are not just a moment
cause with you....these are 
my precious moments

love always A R 0 6 


  1. makasi ya, de...
    sy ga bisa ngungkapin rasa sy ke angktn ky km ini..heu..

    cuma ada yg disayangkan,
    'my precious moments'nya ga bs dirasain sm seluruh 97 anak ar06,, maaf ata ssegala kekurangan sy yg ga bs ngegabungin/mempertahankan hubungan semua anak dgn baik,, tapi sy ckp optimis pada acara farewell mendatang akan menjadi ajang kumpul2 yg paling rame semenjak makrab pertama kita buat ank2 G..hehe..

    smangat yaa!!

  2. nobody's perfect...
    yg saya tahu kamu sudah berusaha...
    hope for the best aja...
